Stable Diffusion Prompt: A painting of a cat and a man in a forest



League of Legends Twitch in its characteristic environment of the toxic haze of Zaun's sewers. Twitch should be depicted sneaking into the darkness, His mischievous look hidden behind his mask, and his poisoned crossbow ready to fire. The atmosphere should be dark and mysterious, with dark, damp sewers, and toxic waste seeping from the walls. Mutant rats should be scattered throughout the scene, adding to the atmosphere of the toxic haze. Twitch should emanate a greenish glow coming from his fur, accentuant son aspect malfaisant. Make sure every detail, from the details of the crossbow to the reflections in Twitch's eyes, be rendered with great accuracy to capture the essence of this demonic rat living in the sewers of Zaun. Style Brian Froud, Brian Froud Juan Gimenez, inspired by Brian Froud, Style de Jean Baptiste Monge, monge jean-baptiste monge, jean - baptiste monge, jean baptiste monge, inspired by Brian and Wendy Froud, par Brian et Wendy Froud


  • Lingerie
  • Japanese Beauty
  • Landscape
  • Daily-Challenge
  • Animal

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