Stable Diffusion Prompt: N oil painting, Coming down from the sky, A breathtaking masterpiece



n oil painting, Coming down from the sky, A breathtaking masterpiece, Vivid, Caravaggio, 8K,angelicales,Lots of people,Fallen Angel,Duel Night Battle Angel vs Human Many People,9 people prompt:「chaos、darkness、Ancient Egyptian Demon of Destruction、A hyper-realistic cinematic representation of Apep。A giant snake-like incarnation of ancient evil。」 The main body is、Hundreds of feet long、Several dozen feet thick、It has boulder-sized, dark red scales that cover its musculature.、Must be the body of a very large snake。The body is coiled in a huge coil and towers up.、It must tower above the surrounding landscape.。 The head is really huge、It is at least 50 feet tall.、It has a mouth big enough to swallow an entire building.。On the chin、As big as a tree trunk、A row of curved, dagger-like obsidian fangs。The eyes have an eerie, sickly green glow。hornとthornが頭から体に沿って威嚇的に突き出ている。 純粋なchaosの濃くて有毒な緑色の煙が鼻孔と口から噴き出し、Covering the sky、Distorting the air itself、Distort。Forked tongue thrusts violently、大地を焦がすAcid poison液を滴らせます。 In the background、A hellish, apocalyptic scene is depicted as the Egyptian desert is engulfed in the wrath of Apep.。The dunes crumble、Rise。The ruins of ancient temples and monuments collapsed、Rapidly being buried under the suffocating miasma。 Dramatic lightingと深いShadowを使って、Emphasizing the enormous scale and terrifying ferocity of this primal serpent of the untamed night。The entire image is、An overwhelming and world-ending danger、It is necessary to convey a sense of the disappearance of all order and creation.。 Apep is、An immortal and unstoppable force with infinite power and destructive capacity、In other words, he must be depicted as the embodiment of eternal night and the destruction of all existence.。」 This very detailed prompt、It covers all the main characteristics of Apep, the apocalyptic and primordial serpent demon.。Huge coiled body、Huge mouth and fangs、Glowing Eyes、horn/thorn、渦巻くchaosとした煙、Acid poison、And the background of the desolate Egypt being engulfed.。Photorealism、Dramatic lighting/Shadow、and emphasizes the atmosphere of infinite, world-ending destruction.。If you follow this prompt closely,、One of the most powerful evil beings in Egyptian mythology


  • Horror
  • Epic Characters
  • Mythology
  • mythology
  • Game Design

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